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6 mrt 2012

Pile of Snowballs

I really liked to put  it on my Tan Carpet.
Now i think about last year when it snowed.
I rubbed some snow in someones face.
He started with crying (Im not a bully but hes just stupid)
He went to his mom, and he said i rubbed some snow in his face.
His mom was super mad at me 0-0.

I mean its just snow if your in a snow fight then you can do that.
Anyways, the snow is gone, so i dont really understand why they got the snow items now.

Play Wild!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Hi! Please check my blog, its: http://kinyongasanimaljamnews.blogspot.com

    p.s. spappers12 is saying im a scammer, dont believe him, he is the scammer; he scammed me 2 worns (green and pink)!!!!!!


  2. Hey, btw, when i check ur blog it says loads of stuff (like, PUBLISH, ADVERTISE THIS ON GOOGLE) in (i think) german, or some other language, wht language is it and why does it do that?

