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8 mrt 2012

Stallion1 doesn't scam!

As almost everyone know im with Stallion1.
But everyone is saying shes a scammer and she uses me.


I let her borrow all my tan carpets and a day later she gave them back.
To prove that i got a picture of the tan carpets on her list.
She already had one tan carpet.

8 opmerkingen:

  1. I know right! stallion is so nice! She is totally not a scammer!

  2. i love her!!! we were freinds for a while then she deleted me when i was gone for a few days? so you guys are like.. together together?

  3. Ummm... PizzaDrop, Can you be kind enough to tell her if she has FREEDOM WINGS, Freedom Helmet, Freedom Bands, Freedom mask? I saw in a Blog with the name Stallion1 Wearing those items and has them in trade She was using a seal that time Please i ask her `FunnyBunnyTeny, i know you Pizzadrop i do Know you i remember u in tht garage sale one time!

  4. Hey, pizza, stallion1 does soooo NOT scam! She buddied me and then deleted me! Why?!!!!!!!!1 And i cant find her on aj to ask her to buddy me again so plz can u ask her... Oh, and pizza, wht for tan?! plz i really desperately want one, and if u promise not 2 scam (not saying u will, but u cant trust everyone!) i will trade 2 nm wings, 4 worns, sweet walls, planet walls and 4 scarecrows and 2 founders and blue top hat?! PLZ!!! u have 3...

    1. heyy can you try helping my have people check out my blog ive been trying to get a lot of vewers please help it: http://bluemoon000.blogspot.com please help me thnx

  5. I just can't believe some people think stallion1 is a scammer! So many people have been saying it, but seriously, she is super duper nice and she always helps me out!

    @ Haters

    Haters out there, she's a good person, what did she ever do to YOU??!?!
