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4 mrt 2012

New account glitch

If you make a new account you see the panda shaman Liza.
Well if she give you gems you have to point your gems.
Dont do that.
You can go to a party if you have to do that.
And then this happens:

You can trade stuff to your storage i traded a necklace to it.
But the storage cant wear  it then.
You can play tic tac toe too.
More you cant do.
In the future Ill show other parties with this glitch.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. I found out a glitch and idk if it works on everyone. first, get yourself all muddy, then go to wolf party, then go to the thing that makes you red, get all red, then switch animals. When you go back to muddy place (appondale^.^) get all mudddy again and go back to the party. you will appear as the first animal you were.
