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24 feb 2012

The most expensive stuff of AJ

Im not going to write dens here because we are talking about stuff.
Most of them are Epic Wonder stuff.
We start with the most expensive thing.
                                                                    Den Items:
Red Sport Car, 6000 gems:

Spaceship Commander. 5000 gems:
Feast Table, 4500 gems:
Cake bake Kitchen, 4000 gems:
Royal Garden and Shadow Garden, 3500 gems:

Princess Carriage, 3000 gems:

Crater With Meteorite, 2500 gems:

Black Giant Wolf Plushie, Ice thrones, 2000 gems:

(Its easier if i show the shop pictures)
Golden Glove:
Golden Unicorn Horn:

Diamond Ring, Avaible in 8 different colors:

Designer Skirt, Avaible in 8 different colors:
Gloves, 2500 gems:

Headphones, Avaible in 8 different colors:

Dual Samurai Swords, Avaible in 8 different colors:

Geen opmerkingen:

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