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24 feb 2012

Amazing rare Worn Blankets

I dont know where they come from.
And when they came out.
But i got a picture of them.
Red one is a rarle.
And the brown one there are 2 of it.
Stallion1 got the the red one.
Cowsandlightbulbs got the brown one.

(It's not sure if the blue one really excist)

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Wait, If you have a picture of the blue worn,
    doesnt one have to exist? :P
    Its super kewl though :D


  2. What is a worn worth? I tried trading my rare bow for a worn and no one said yes and now im trying to trade a worn for a rare bow and no one says yes -.- im confused and i really need three more bows for my collection (Rare): black, green, and purple. I have everything else and im a nonmember


  3. That blue one is SO fake
