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18 dec 2011

Reindeer mask glitch

I saw last time something very weird.
A glitched reindeer mask.
I brough iloveaj5678 to my den, and i asked her to change into a rhino.
After she did that i asked her to wear a reindeer mask.
Later i asked duchesscutestar to wear a reindeer with rhino i have a pic of that too.
She had 2 colors so here are the pics of the glitched reindeers.
                                                               White reindeer:

Duchesscutestar -->
Heres a pic of the original white reindeer zukiz is wearing it here:

                                                                 Purple reindeer:
Here is a pic of the original purple reindeer garyt123 is wearing it here.
You just get it if you wear with a rhino a reindeer mask very easy.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Ok I am really mad at Garyt123. Oh boy he is mean. Ok he was mad and sad that his friends did not give a gift to him after he gave a super rare one to them. Well I gave him a gift to cheer him up. He did not care and simplly kept grumbling. He still has not given me gift in return.


    1. Gary's not mean! He is my buddy! Me, him, betaqueen, NikiSongs, Thx4ShoppingAtWalMart, and a whole lot of other people were playing Truth or Dare!

      *Tc*------~TheCrystal~----Crystal Snow
